martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

* Teamwork is everyone's focus *

Teamwork is an essential part of life here at Universo. Not least because we are a large business operating in a truly global environment. More often than not, you'll work alongside colleagues from a number of different countries and disciplines. Each day, you'll build bridges across cultural and intellectual borders.

We share information and challenge accepted wisdom to shape and evolve an exciting future for our business.

lunes, 4 de octubre de 2010

* Planning The teamwork *

You know those four important words on leadership:

 Plan, Do, Study, Act

1.- Plan

Good plans start with a  brainstorming session that includes all the people involved with the project. 

2.- Do
Your team cannot do everything at once; some tasks are more important than others while others have to be accomplished before another task can start. 

3.- Check
Throughout the project's execution there are three things that you must be involved: standards, performance, and adjustments.

4.- Act
Now you are ready to execute the plan. If your plans are solid, things will go smoothly.

* To keep the teamwork *

- Keep the union: The results are given as individual contributions.   
- Improve rationing: The team is more likely to avoid mistakes.
- Keep the creativity and innovation: In a team is favored to bring new ideas to make things better.
- Improve the sense of satisfaction: In the team meeting the needs of its members. 
- Maintain the commitment of its members: Team members in working towards a common goal.
- Increase the participation of its members: The team is critical unrestricted participation of its members.
- Keep caring for others: In the teams shall not cease to be valued.  
- Optimize the high level of responsibility: The team show integrity and are interested in the success of others and their own.
- Keep view: The members work with a motivating vision for the team.

domingo, 3 de octubre de 2010

* Leadership is everyone's responsibility *

Leadership can take many different forms. It could be line managing teams in a department or during an assignment. It could mean using your expertise in a key subject area. It could involve thought leadership. Either way, it's about getting things done – individually or through people – in a way that others will admire and follow.

sábado, 2 de octubre de 2010

* Four Factors of Leadership *

There are four major factors in leadership

Leader: You must have an honest understanding of who you are, what you know, and what you can do. 

Followers: Different people require different styles of leadership. You must come to know your employees and do attributes.

Communication: You lead through two-way communication. Much of it is nonverbal. 

Situation: All situations are different. What you do in one situation will not always work in another. 

* The keys to leadership *

1. Know your strengths and weaknesses and seeks to improve continuously.

2. Know your job and your goals.

3. Be responsible for your actions and make others take responsibility for their own, but always focussing on the future

4. Be an example to others. Not only must listen to what is expected of them, but look at it.

5. Meet the people that make up your computer and worry about them.

6. Keep your workers informed.

7. Help your employees to develop behaviors and attitudes that will help them perform their job responsibilities.

8. Make sure that tasks are understood, monitored and carried out.

9. is very important teamwork.

10. Adapt your leadership style to each person and situation.